Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012


One Entry which never happened on time and which I now upload about 3 month too late:
Its BlogSpot time, everyone seems to be doing it, so I figured I should get myself into some serious writing about the time spend abroad in Asia…well mainly Bangkok, where I am headed to take part in an exchange study programme as part of my MBA IMRE (all about Environmental Resource Management). I am not yet sure about the main topics of this blog but hopefully a bit of travelling in South East Asia, an insight into Thai culture, a bit of Asian cuisine and maybe I will cover a few study topics regarding the environment or politics …lets see how creative one gets and which type of stories one comes across. I decided to keep the working language English so that all of you interested can understand me and I won’t have to exclude the non-German speaking folk.

Some things I want to share before talking about Thailand are:
1. "United for a Global Change" - during my summer in Santander I was picked up on the street to campaign for a good cause: United for a Global Change (you tube)
2. “Ivan vs. Rambo” A wanting to be trash movie which we filmed at the university in Freiberg: Ivan vs. Rambo (you tube)
3. Some pictures of the people that are of importance to me. Of course there is a few more, but this are just some shots of the last year, hope I will get to tell all the stories at some point:

me and my cousin

pictures of the girls during our last reunion

my coffee chat girls (someone blond is missing)


Rachy and me on our roadtrip to Valencia

Santanderinos en Logroño

2 Kommentare:

  1. Darling Darling! Ich hoffe, mit someone blond meinst du mich :) auch wenn ich jetzt zu der Gruppe brünett zähle... Ich freu mich riesig, dass ich jetzt dein Blog lesen kann. Super Sache.
    Liebste Grüße aus FG

  2. Die "Intro" Seite hab ich ja jetzt erst gesehen. Ui und ich bin auch mit drauf :) Da bin ich ja haut nah dabei hier beim blog.
    Grad hab ich "A university day" gelesen. Da kann ich mir jetzt genau vorstellen, wie dein Tag immer so abläuft. Toll!
    Ich drück dich
